Many people are curious about what foods are safe for their cats to eat. Flour tortillas are a popular food item, but can cats eat flour tortillas? In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question and provide some tips on feeding your cat a healthy diet.
Yes, it’s safe for cats to eat flour tortillas, however it should be done in moderation. What I mean is a few pieces here and there will not harm your cat but multiple flour tortillas might not be such a good idea.
Now that you know flour tortillas are safe for your cat to eat, lets dive a bit deeper into the subject.
Can Cats Eat Flour Tortillas? Is It Safe?
As a pet parent, you are probably wondering if it is safe to give your cat a flour tortilla. The answer is yes, however like many things it also depends on a multitude of factors. Flour tortillas are made with wheat flour, which is not suitable for cats that are gluten-sensitive.
In addition, the high carb and fat content can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats. If you do decide to feed your cat a tortilla, be sure to do so in moderation and monitor their health closely. A healthy diet for a cat includes plenty of protein, moderate fat, and limited carbohydrates.
So allowing your cat to have a few pieces of flour tortillas won’t harm your cat, just don’t make it into a daily routine.
Can Kittens Eat Flour Tortillas?
Kittens have even more sensitive stomachs than adult cats, so there are many foods that an adult cat can eat that kittens shouldn’t. With that being said, It’s fine for kittens to have a few pieces of flour tortillas every now and than. It’s not going to hurt your kitten.

When feeding your kitten a piece of flour tortilla be sure it’s a really small piece. I would recommend about the size of your pinky nail. That way your kitten won’t choke or have a hard time eating/digesting it.
Also be sure to not give your kitten too much. 1 or 2 pinky sized pieces of flour tortilla is plenty. Remember, this is not a part of their everyday diet so keep it to a minimum.
Negatives To Cats Eating Flour Tortillas
Negatives to cats eating tortillas include the high carb and fat content. Too many carbs can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats, while too much fat can cause pancreatitis. In addition, tortillas are typically made with wheat flour, which is not suitable for cats that are gluten-sensitive.
If you give your cat or kitten too many pieces of flour tortillas, you can expect him/her to have a bit of digestive issues. As I’ve talked about before, cats are carnivores and meat should be a main staple of their diet. If you throw too much human food such as flour tortillas, you could run into some issues.
With these negative in mind, it’s important to talk to your local veterinarian before drastically changing your cats diet. If you need to find a vet in your area click here
Positives To Cats Eating Flour Tortillas
There are a few positives to cats eating flour tortillas. The first is that they’re relatively low in calories. A six-inch flour tortilla has about 110 calories, which is less than most other types of bread. A small pinky sized piece of flour tortilla is going to be about 5 calories at most.

Secondly, tortillas are a good source of fiber. Cats need fiber for proper digestion, and the Soluble Fiber in tortillas can help keep them regular. Lastly, tortillas are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, and potassium.
Can Cats Eat Flour Tortillas Safely?
The answer is that it depends. Flour tortillas are made with wheat flour, which is not suitable for cats that are gluten-sensitive. In addition, the high carb and fat content can lead to obesity and diabetes in cats. If you do decide to feed your cat a tortilla, be sure to do so in moderation and monitor their health closely.
Are Flour Tortillas Good for Cats?
Flour tortillas aren’t exactly good for cats, but it also won’t hurt them either. So don’t do out of your way to feed your cat some. But if he/she begs for a bite, it won’t hurt them.
Should I Worry If My Cat Eats An Entire Flour Tortilla?
If your cat somehow devours an entire flour tortilla, there should be no need to panic. It will not be toxic or poisonous. Just monitor your cat closely for odds are he/she will have some digestive issues.
Final Thoughts
So, can cats eat flour tortillas? The answer is yes. Cats can eat flour tortillas from time to time as long as they are not allergic to wheat or gluten. Tortillas are a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, which won’t hurt your cat if given to them in moderation.
Has your cat ever tried flour tortillas? Let us know in the comment section below. Also be sure to checkout our other articles on cat behavior and cat nutrition. We have a lot of stuff you might find interesting!