Have you noticed that your cat is peeing on the dog's bed? Wondering how you are able to stop it? Well, it isn't going to be a quick problem to deal with. It is a simple problem to deal with, but you...
Category: Cat Behavior
Everybody wants to cuddle up to their pets. Unlike dogs, though, cats do not display all that much affection. In fact, many cats love to spend time alone rather than hang out with their owners. That...
If you have ever scraped a comb near your cat, then you will know that cats will sometimes gag when they hear it. in other cases, they may have other reactions to the sound. Have you ever wondered...
Cats love the outdoors. However, for various reasons, some people may not be able to let them be free-roaming outdoor cats. Thankfully, as with dogs, you can take a cat out on a harness and a leash....
Have you ever been close to your cat and heard a sound that sounds incredibly similar to that of a pigeon? Don't worry. You aren't going crazy. This is a surprisingly common sound from cats. So, what...
If you have a cat with multiple people in the family, it won't be long before you realize that your cat prefers one person over all the others. Have you ever wondered why? That is what we want to...